TOP 5 Best SCKLYER moments :
1 London Baby!
2 Sunday sessions with Ced !
3 Cramped sessions at Villefontaine skatepark !
4 Croix-Rousse slopes riding sessions !
5 Sessions with the whole team.
TOP 5 best skateboarders that you personally know :
1 Cédric Vert
2 Modsy Lestage
3 Jano Pontaroulette
4 Tifenn Rivron
5 Jimmy Cholet
Who bombs hills the best : G. W Bush definitely
Why Jamie Cullum kicks arse live : Full of energy,
he makes it look street-made! Great quality.
TOP 5 Reasons to be a laidback person
1 in order not be a buttoned-up person
2 catch girls in one's torn net
3 be as mellow as a damp toast
4 to be more sociable
5 to let shite go down more easily